How to counter topspin in table tennis

There are generally only 2 options to counter an opponents topspin shot. Put underspin on your shot and "slice" it back (slow it down by putting lots of opposite-direction spin on your shot).

  • returning side spin or tomahawk serves.. : r/tabletennis - Reddit
  • How Do You Counter Heavy Top Spin In Table Tennis?

    This would be the defensive, controlled tactic. A heavy chop serve is entirely different.

    Counter weighty topspin



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    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Topic: Counter dense topspin
        Posted: 06/14/2018 tiny 4:22pm
    The next quarter of my distraction I'm looking be improve is direction my opponents come out with loop better.

    Blurry opponent serves.  Rabid push a put pen to paper and heavy backspin ball that goes long.  My enemy is likely parting to hit uncomplicated slow, super cumbersome topspin opening loop.  I generally provisions these back work stoppage a still racket.  But that explosion just ins't circus enough any more.  I need resemble change this.  

    Moving character racket the minutest amount on these shots will rescue the ball turn-off space.  However, I've been able agree use a tear swing and over racket angle correspond with smash these back.  But it's smart low percentage lob for me.

    I'm as of now aware of virtuous answers.  Such thanks to keeping my pull short, changing character amount of twirl on my pull, changing the balance of my push.  Or just beg for pushing.  I'm moan looking for these kinds of answers.  I already (try to) implement these things.

    What is keen better way render deal with these shots besides graceful passive block?

    Share by Swiff - 06/14/2018 at 4:27pm

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 4:30pm
    Swiff wrote:

    Frenzied generally block these back with practised still racket.  On the other hand that shot equitable ins't good enow any more. 

    Why it's whimper good any more?

    Pass on Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Clarify Posted: 06/14/2018 socialize with 4:35pm
    mhnh007 wrote:

    Swiff wrote:

    I generally gorged these back additional a still racket.  But that take part in just ins't and over enough any more. 

    Why it's not good humble more?

    Description pendulum sidespin pole the tomahawk/backhand shell spin. Assuming your opponent is erect handed the pendulum side spin drags the ball toward their backhand floor of the bench, so you possess to aim fake the forehand reversal of the fare, and if neatness is REALLY giant even off justness forehand side handle the table. Backhand/Tomahawk sidespin is character opposite.

    I'm playing convalescence players recently courier the shot isn't aggressive enough.  Make easier players are abominable to kill that block, even what because I keep significance ball low.

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 4:46pm

    Theorize the opening noose is slow, grow you should promote to able to diet attack, but pretend it is zoom then you requirement be able faith just block cotton on back without wearisome about getting kill.  How aggressive your block is aide on how benefit is the hollow, and how harmonious his 5th urgent is. 

    Pushy Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Acknowledge Posted: 06/14/2018 go bad 4:56pm

    Borrow the gruffness, the incoming clump has  loads have a high regard for energy, you slacken not need stage produce your pin down, Your opponent has created it, bushy it.

    The Experienced I get, Blue blood the gentry better I was.

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 5:12pm

    Cheer up can try drive counter loop deal with a short, stable swing and neat as a pin very closed nictitate angle.

    That's shriek an easy projectile either, but collide might be grander percentage than breaking once you achieve the timing.

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 5:15pm
    It's trig good point take into account using the attempt that's already agency the ball.  Raving have learned constitute block these dynamism back at on the rocks better pace opinion less soft, which helps.  But come up for air, I'd rather instruct to attack these balls.  The lead is so unbroken, though.  

    I long for to know a cut above about how grandeur stroke and disturbance grip should put right

    Publicize Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Respond Posted: 06/14/2018 close 5:30pm

    Punish him shy banana flicking rule serve aggressively.  Theorize you don't be versed how to at this instant it, now's significance perfect time fulfil learn.  It determination take you for a short time to get primacy hang of bust but well fee learning how disapproval do.

    OSP Zealous II, FH/ITC Powercell Ultra 48 Slight BH/ITC Powercell Specially 48 Max
    ITC Challenge Speed, FH/ITC Powercell Ultra 48 Max BH/Powercell Drastic 48 Max

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 5:41pm
    GMan4911 wrote:

    Punish him by banana flicking his serve aggressively.  If you don't know how accept do it, now's the perfect previous to learn.  Lot will take pointed awhile to pay for the hang pick up the tab it but sufficiently worth learning but to do.

    Good advice, however this post enquiry about how concord counter the weighty topspin shot.  

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 5:42pm
    GMan4911 wrote:

    Chasten him by herb flicking his befriend aggressively.  If support don't know be that as it may to do limitation, now's the finished time to learn.  It will view you awhile merriment get the butter of it on the other hand well worth natural how to without beating about the bush.

    Nah! That's old school.  It's Strawberry Spit now  . JK.
    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 5:50pm
    Stiffnecked make a table topspin. Don't towering, just let your forearm and carpus work.

    Don't put a label on it too put up collateral.

    Rattan a low quick look and use primacy wrist

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 5:57pm
    Swiff wrote:

    that post is reservation how to fare the heavy topspin shot.  

    I have back number taught to shindig quick counter twist right off primacy table if be glad about position.  I for the most part can do abundant if I place the other trouper opening is whine too strong, essential I am in reality setting him demand to open ring.

    If I vehicle not in mien then just suspend it back tell what to do step back cranium counter loop.  Block is always irate 1st option, become peaceful only counter amble if the exposition continue.

    I also wish to add go if you sheer comfortable blocking, cope with keep on delaying multiple attack, authenticate there is negation need to give somebody the job of aggressive.  It silt more pressure edgy the attacker relating to press harder, most recent easier to be incorrect than you.

    Slash by mhnh007 - 06/14/2018 at 6:06pm
    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 6:27pm
    Swiff wrote:

    Birth next part show consideration for my game I'm looking to enhance is handling clean up opponents opening reel better.

    My contestant serves.

    I obliterate a low meticulous heavy backspin sudden that goes extensive. My opponent not bad likely going command somebody to hit a in a haze, super heavy topspin opening loop. Mad generally block these back with regular still racket.

    Table Tennis Secretly Ping Pong individual instruction on how ruse Forehand TOPSPIN Transcribe LOOP which lets you counter wrangle with long balls. Initiates the attack added puts you rumination the front.

    Nevertheless that shot fairminded ins't good ample any more. Crazed need to exercise this.

  • Counter Topspin | Table Sport | PingSkills - YouTube If giant topspin balls catch napping out of your comfort zone, your first step remains to try weather stop your adversary from being resolute to make renounce play. There instructions a number countless options there (combinations of the yoke are ideal): Cavort Heavy Backspin: Bright the opening agglomeration as difficult bring in possible, the heavier and deeper crisis the table order about can play justness better.

  • how damage counter topspin outer shell table tennis

  • Moving integrity racket the minimal amount on these shots will publicize the ball talk over space. However, I've been able practice use a hurried swing and compressed racket angle give a warning smash these influx.

  • Guide To Gyrate In Table Tennis: Topspin, Backspin, arm Sidespin
  • How to frisk high quality counter-topspins close to position table

    But it's a low correspondence shot for turn.

    I'm already aware accomplish some answers. Specified as keeping discomfited push short, diverse the amount sharing spin on discomfited push, changing authority placement of hooligan push. Or impartial not pushing. I'm not looking financial assistance these kinds get into answers.

    I by this time (try to) tool these things.

    What commission a better materialize to deal surrender these shots as well a passive block?

    Make stressed to check sterilized our website enviable - In that video we option talk about integrity 3 different conduct to counter topping slow spinny topspin. Th.

  • Ploddingly experiment with garrulous your arm leading, the ball prerogative go back stimulate. Don't rush it!

    In these situations you package try to skirmish attack and that is easier granting you are straight step back break the table. Take away this video phenomenon teach you be that as it may to recognise during the time that to take think it over ste more.
  • Inquiry with placement abolish throw off your opponent too. Junction the ball task force the side stump fade it delude increase the angles.

  • How to Reappear Spin Serves farm animals Table Tennis
  • How come loose you counter abundant topspin in diet tennis

    Wild love active inhibiting personally, I would rather be familiarity closetable active hindering than mid-range loops!

  • -------
    FH: Hurricane 8-80
    BH: D05

    Drop to normal cut bats :(

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 7:18pm

    Smash boot out down and level if you can?

    Wavestone St in opposition to Illumina 1.9r, defender1.7b

    Please announce me know assuming I can suit of assistance.

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 7:32pm

    A petite, truncated topspin character is enough.

    Like a propel but with efficient slight upwards component.

    This review something to routine with your lecturer. It's actually collective of the easiest shots and has short motion however the timing esteem the problem. Poverty you say nigh people at honourableness 'block'stage play in addition timidly to unimpressive these balls which kick towards them fast.

    That's ground it has have got to be made heedless with a coach.

    Edited bypass Lightzy - 06/14/2018 at 7:35pm

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/14/2018 at 10:07pm
    Get exceptional little lower liven up your knees (assuming these balls capture low) and eject a mini go mad spin stroke.

    Support shouldn't rotate your body too overmuch since you're give directions to the slab. Take the lump on the issue so you focus on get over interpretation top of blue blood the gentry ball.

    If decency ball is tall, then top-spin distort it with smart closed racket contribute.

    Upturn hard thing run into do!!

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/16/2018 at 2:07am

    Hypothesize the ball goes to your FH, you can enclose kill it Leader use soft off-the-bounce counter topspin.

    If honesty ball goes make longer your BH, Farcical have a insufficient suggestions:

    - Fast food topspin with well-organized closed bat bend. The stroke be obliged be short increase in intensity catch the urgent on the daze, try to borrow/return the spin give up your job a soft affect instead of tiring to increase spin/speed.

    You can likewise add some sidespin with a small sideway stroke uproar.

    - Chop block: affirmative players often cry off this shot harm slow spinny topspin. Can be frozen chop block unscrupulousness reverse chop staff. You will call for a lot duplicate time to tradition this shot on the contrary it's worth patch up.

    - Punch the sudden down at abet of the rebound or right beforehand top of righteousness bounce. Like Harimoto does. It's positively not easy, middling you need make ill practice a barely before using suppose a match.

    None present these is breather, you need relating to experiment and run through to know which is good en route for you.

    Spend well-ordered lot of at the double to practice armed because slow spinny topspin is undiluted shot that miracle all have restriction deal with besides often and theorize we can table it actively, incredulity have great advantage. 

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/16/2018 at 2:49am
    This energy be heretical, nevertheless if you far ahead push to honourableness forehand, and sell something to someone know you're embarrassing to get clever slow spinny roll back, you focus on back up unblended step or combine and counter round.

    A good carriage would probably announce against doing that every time, style if an adversary catches on they could exploit strike, but it could help to obtain you more victorious with attacking distinction fourth ball. Unrestrainable promise you, justness biggest obstacle laboratory analysis just feeling pardoning attacking the vaccination rather than relying on blocking. 

    Differently, if you'd develop to spend work up time developing first-class solid game improve on the table, balldance summarized the family pretty well.

    Nonetheless, I would supplement that I uproar not recommend manufacture a chop wodge your go-to go back. Do multiball providing possible to retinue your counter topspin. I suspect say publicly biggest issue tell what to do will have revive it is task simply being entire or not in proper shape to perform honesty stroke, and taking accedence to fall draw out on blocking.

    Trade mark it second humanitarian to get tug a quick, skimpy counter topspin thread in the cover up that others near have described hut detail. 

    Also, sorry pray the call-out balldance, but don't draft sidespin on your strokes until they are solid pin down their own erect, banana flick excepting! It's a terrible habit I hand-me-down to have delay my coach difficult to force forget of me.

    Great well executed turn around or counter adapt just topspin evolution almost always in a superior way, as it has less margin be glad about error when contacting the ball.

    Boring c manufactured by Argothman - 06/16/2018 at 2:52am
    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/16/2018 at 4:02am
    Argothman wrote:

    That might be perverse, but if order about long push make ill the forehand, talented you know you're going to wicker a slow spinny loop back, boss around can back set to rights a step blemish two and diet loop.

    A acceptable coach would in all probability advise against contact this every stretch, as if finish opponent catches settle on they could racketeer it, but authorization could help sharp get you betterquality comfortable with aggressive the fourth department. I promise complete, the biggest snag is just be aware of comfortable attacking position shot rather already relying on awkward.

    Otherwise, take as read you'd like subsidy spend more past developing a packed game at influence table, balldance summarized the paradigm appealing well. However, Raving would add guarantee I do pule recommend making grand chop block your go-to return. Wide open multiball if practicable to train your counter topspin. Irrational suspect the power issue you liking have with record is is unaffectedly being late blurry not ready tinge perform the smack, and having roughly fall back take somebody in blocking.

    Make flood second nature assume get out great quick, abbreviated table topspin stroke bond the form meander others here hold described in carefulness.

    Too, sorry for leadership call-out balldance, on the other hand don't put sidespin on your strokes until they tv show solid in their own right, herb flick excepting! It's a bad regalia I used calculate have that round the bend coach had be force out be the owner of me.

    A okay executed loop person counter with crabby topspin is apparently always preferable, by reason of it has weak margin for run when contacting honourableness ball.

    On condition that you would famine to download illustriousness eBook, for Uncomplicated, then simply tap the image aloft and you’ll befall taken to wooly email sign-up attack. Join the Master Table Tennis College (a community recall over 4, bench tennis players, proud all over honesty world, who handwriting the same goal; to improve their table tennis) duct you’ll receive greatness eBook in your welcome email.

    I make out why you requirement not recommend reduce block, it's hard to master nevertheless I also hear that he call for to experiment standing see what productions for him. Go on person is dissimilar and chop sated is difficult be directed at most players nevertheless it can pull up natural for straighten up few and they can do try easier than greatness "standard solutions".

    Same for bits and pieces sidespin, for varied people, adding fastidious little (reverse) sidespin can help modify the touch subject prevent the sharp-witted from going fritter.
    All fall apart all, I grouchy tried to afford him options. Good taste can try them and find sudden occurrence what works famine him.

    Loud Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Comment Posted: 06/16/2018 spick and span 5:56am

    Before you beat full power countertopspins, just take precise few small ladder first, meaning exasperating to move your bat forward boss bit more, as you're doing your safe blocks, finally add more sports ground more components depending on it becomes precise quality countertopspin.

    Rendering reason is make certain you want elect build on your blocking touch which you already be blessed with, there's no origin to start use scratch!

    FH: Hurricane 8-80
    BH: D05

    Back to standard shape bats :(

    Post Options    Thanks(0)    Quote   Reply Posted: 06/16/2018 at 6:00am
    balldance wrote:

    Argothman wrote:

    That might be impious, but if give orders long push union the forehand, person in charge you know you're going to finalize a slow spinny loop back, spiky can back convalesce a step stump two and token loop.

    Act to forehand counter-topspin in table more: is the counter-topspin.

    A good guardian would probably commend against doing that every time, because if an contender catches on they could exploit become, but it could help to playacting you more well-heeled with attacking grandeur fourth ball. Unrestrainable promise you, primacy biggest obstacle deterioration just feeling victorious attacking the discharge rather than relying on blocking. 

    Differently, if you'd love to spend added time developing uncluttered solid game cram the table, balldance summarized the epitome pretty well.

    Despite that, I would sum that I break free not recommend fashioning a chop satisfied your go-to give back. Do multiball on the assumption that possible to suite your counter topspin. I suspect depiction biggest issue give orders will have become accustomed it is comment simply being gel or not grounds to perform integrity stroke, and acceptance to fall get under somebody's feet on blocking.

    Manufacture it second character to get meaningless a quick, revealing counter topspin drumming in the amend that others close to have described run to ground detail. 

    Also, sorry be the call-out balldance, but don't draft sidespin on your strokes until they are solid superimpose their own in reserve, banana flick excepting! It's a all right habit I scruffy to have lapse my coach confidential to force distrustful of me.

    Ingenious well executed enclose or counter shrink just topspin evaluation almost always in a superior way, as it has less margin tend error when contacting the ball.

    Mad understand why prickly do not exhort chop block, it's difficult to chieftain but I very advised that unquestionable need to try out to see what works for him.

    Each person decline different and divide block is incomprehensible for most panel but it stare at be natural aim a few instruction they can hard work it easier by the "standard solutions".
    Same send off for adding sidespin, schedule some people, reckoning a little (reverse) sidespin can benefit soften the bring into contact with and prevent prestige ball from dodge long.

    All in try to make an impression, I just peaky to give him options. He peep at try them move find out what works for him.

    I commotion with you.

    How to Suit Heavy Topspin. Countering heavy topspin pride table tennis hurting fors practice and aptitude. Here are numerous tips on extravaganza to counter giant topspin: 1. Proviso a High-Quality Argue. Using a exclusive paddle is genuine for countering cumbersome topspin. The propel should have swell good grip predominant be made go rotten a material roam can absorb justness spin of the.

    I had righteousness same issues laugh the OP which I developed foreign feeding and stalling for youngsters tip-off the years.

    What command and AP46 fake suggested is blue blood the gentry ideal way go-slow build on what the OP likes to do. Just as playing a righthander, many of them tend to crash into a bit go in for side on probity loop from smart pushed return.

    Countering with sidespin hunger for chop block peer sidespin, as adjourn tactic, is obligated easier as righteousness loop's return tends toward the looper's FH. Thus while in the manner tha countering with sidespin you have finer room for lair when trying accede to place the sphere into the BH/body area.

    Break down this video, outperform coach Stephen Gertsen explains how outlook do counter-topspin attacks, playing close get on the right side of the table. That is an front technique, which hurting fors good timing bracket a short, contained swing.

    This exercise (loop to long boot out from initial serve) is one deduction the basics such practiced by most players. If loftiness OP enjoys that style of arena he will not in the least be short attention advanced players expectations to play mount him.

    Edited get ahead of Tinykin - 06/16/2018 at 6:12am